Wednesday, March 30, 2016

New Roses and Front Yard Color!

 The front yard is starting to get really colorful! This is the first, AMAZING, bloom on the Living Easy rose that my in-laws got me for Christmas. It's my first one ordered from Antique Rose Emporium (the owner's book, Empress of the Garden, is what got me interested in roses, after I saw it featured on Central Texas Gardener).

 The volunteer patch of blue bonnets at the curb has really grown! I almost pulled them a few months ago when I didn't know what they were. I'm glad a friend identified them! They're prettier up close than I thought they'd be.

 This $6 bodybag rose from Wal-Mart was supposed to be a white climber (Sally something), but has turned out yellow. My first mislabeled rose! Since it's a pale yellow, and growing so happily where it is (in the bed where I'm trying to do only white flowers), I'll leave it here. Anyone know its name?

 Have wanted some striped roses for a long time, and got these minis for $3 at a grocery store. They look nice near the curb, next to the red Autumn sage, which has decided to bloom bicolor this spring.

 Rio Samba rose, purchased bodybag over a year ago. Not a great photo... My phone's camera has a hard time capturing the color.

 A view of the curb from the other end. I need to put DE on those ants along the red stepping stones.

 Back to opposite end of curb. This bed has 6 different rose bushes in shades of orange, I'm so excited to see them all in bloom soon! 😁 I may have overcrowded things a bit, we'll see how it goes.

 The gauras are just stunning this spring. I think the flowers get paler as the weather heats up, and they get lankier. I love their lanky shape, though, similar to pinata lavender.

 From this view, the gaura is behind the fringe flower. The colors look great together. The pink turk's cap and sea nymph salvias in this bed will add more color later.

 I don't know what this yellow flowering thing is, because I bought it when I knew nothing about plants. I happened upon a nursery closing down, she was selling everything cash 80% off, and I told her I wanted stuff that was easy to grow. She was awesome, she sketched out a flower bed shape for me, where to put each plant, sold me a ton of awesome plants and some flagstone pieces for $50. Someday I'll have to post a photo of that original bed.

The cool colors bed is brightening up, too! Pinata lavender, salvias, New dark purple gladiolus spikes growing up, etc.  The gladiolus bulbs were from my husband for Valentine's, I wanted perennial bulbs instead of cut flowers so I can enjoy them for years! There's a new bodybag purple rose, Heirloom, planted at the base of this trellis, with no buds yet.

Thanks for looking!


  1. It's all looking good!I'm hoping to develop a green're going to be my inspiration!!

  2. It's all looking good!I'm hoping to develop a green're going to be my inspiration!!

    1. Thanks R, you absolutely can cuz I used to have no green thumb or even any interest in gardening. I'm excited for you!!

  3. Oh, by the way, I love those bluebonnets!

  4. Oh, by the way, I love those bluebonnets!
