Saturday, February 27, 2016

Cool Colors Flower Bed

 This is my cool colors flowerbed in the front yard, by the driveway. Not much is blooming here right now, but the pinata (sorry my phone keyboard can't do the accent) lavender looks fabulous as always! It loves the brutal afternoon summer sun and has bloomed year-round for me. Look for some on clearance at Lowe's when they're clearing out their spring flowers. Pinata lavender doesn't have the classic lavender smell, but I think it's a great plant and the bees do, too.
 The purple trailing lantana has a few flowers. I never did cut it back this year with the mild winter. A friend gave me this agave pup which has grown quickly in the pot.
 An annoying squirrel dug a hole by a Mexican petuna here, in front of my unobnoxious fake squirrel statue hehe. There are tons of squirrels here cuz of all the pecan trees. They eat all the peaches off my tree.
Phlox, or creeping phlox, or something like that. Only the blue is blooming, not my pink ones. I never noticed the yellow in the centers before.

Other plants in this bed include: lamb's ear, purple hyacinth, purple cone flowers, a new purple bodybag rose (Heirloom, I think), pink and purple Autumn sages, spikey blue/purple salvias, and of course purple heart cuz I stick that everywhere cuz it's free! Oh, also some blue-flowered plant whose name I don't know, maybe y'all can help with that this summer.

Thanks for looking!

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