Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Cool Colors Bed in Late Spring

 The coneflowers are starting to bloom. They were planted a few years ago from seed and die to the ground in the winter. It's a warmer purple/pink than I was expecting, but still blends pretty well in the bed. I'm finding it hard to keep strict color schemes, as a crazy plant collector.

 The blue creeping phlox are done blooming. Not much going on from this angle.

 Some blue salvia and a purple autumn sage. The hummingbird stake was from Target and spraypainted blue. An actual hummingbird eats from this flower bed a lot, so it's fitting. There have been several huge bumblebees this Spring, too, on these salvias and pinata lavender.

 These lovely gladiolus' were a Valentine's gift from my husband (I always ask for bulbs instead of cut flowers). They were falling over and had to be staked... I don't normally "babysit" plants like that, but there are just a few of them and they're so pretty.

 A grape-purple autumn sage, the pinata lavenders which aren't blooming much right now, pink dianthus.

 Slightly different view including the purple lantana.

 Pretty gazing-ball-peacock from my mom. The blue pot holding the agave was really inexpensive at Lowe's... They're very sturdy and come in several bright colors. I want to say this large size was only $15 or less.

Thanks for looking!

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